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Sharing Your Expertise As A Coach or Consultant

Think about the ‘advice’ you’ve had from all sorts of people giving you their views, opinions and guidance as you were growing up - parents, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, leaders, peers, friends etc. You’ve probably even stepped into that role yourself several times to help those who are close to you or those you work with.

We all need advice about one thing or another because we aren’t ‘experts’ in everything. We need established systems that can help us learn and succeed and ideally, we want to work with someone we know and trust to give us the right level of support in order to help us achieve our goals. This is where coaches and consultants step in to help us move to the next level!

There is a lot to learn and understand when you start a business regardless of what kind of business it is and there are specific elements that I cover in my 'Starting A Success Coaching or Consulting Business' online training relation to starting up as a coach or consultant:

Knowledge – More than anything else, you need to have learned and developed the knowledge you need to deliver a high-quality service to your clients and have them keep using your services and recommend you to others. Again, this doesn’t mean you need to have a degree. Many successful entrepreneurs are self-taught so no matter how the knowledge is acquired, it does need to be gained in some way shape or form.

Integrity – As a coach or consultant you are the product and your reputation is on the line if you are unable to deliver what you say you can. Your integrity and ability to help your clients achieve their goals is essential for creating a successful coaching or consulting business. Having examples, testimonials or case studies of how you have helped someone will allow you to showcase your experience and build trust with your clients.

Communication – Being able to work collaboratively with your clients is the core focus of becoming a coach or consultant, so your people and communication skills are key requirements of your role, because to be successful you have to work closely with a range of different personalities and learn not take things too personally (unless clients are being disrespectful or abusive)! If you can’t, coaching or consulting may not be for you.

Positivity – We all naturally gravitate to people who make us feel good, motivated and encouraged. As a coach or consultant, having a positive nature will help you to build trust and influence with your clients. Always try to take a step back and think about the way you are presenting yourself when you meet new people and when you work with clients. Have a good demeanour, be yourself and smile!

Success - Coaching and consulting really comes down the desire to help others to succeed. Great coaches don’t do what they do just for the money or the self-gratification – they really want to see their clients succeed. You need to develop a genuine connection to your client, what they want to achieve and have the definitive desire to see them succeed.

I absolutely love coaching my clients to their personal and professional success as entrepreneurs and in their businesses by consulting them on the right steps that they should take to create the most lucrative businesses possible.

I’m passionate about what I do, I focus on being positive and inspiring and I love to see my clients succeed, because I know that ultimately, there success is also my success.

If you need help with starting your coaching or consulting business, my training course will support you with...

Starting out on your entrepreneurial journey and your ambition to share your message with the world by turning what you're passionate about into a successful business by becoming a coach or consultant.

During this training you will learn:

  • What you need to know about starting your business

  • 3 reasons why you will be hired as a coach or consultant

  • The misconceptions of becoming a coach or consultant

  • Setting your goals and intentions

  • The 7 stages to becoming a coach or consultant

  • Your coaching or consultancy business blueprint

  • The next steps for your business development

What will be your outcomes / results from this training?

At the end of the training you will be able to download your own Coaching or Consultancy Business Blueprint that will help you define all of the areas outlined in this training and then structure yourself as a coach, consultant or both.

So, if you're ready and excited to get your coaching or consulting business started, this course will give you the tools you need to achieve your goals.

For more support with starting your business and building your personal brand, book a free brand strategy call with me today.


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