When you start a business, it’s easy to overlook the substance behind the messaging you are using to sell your services.
To enable your audience and clients to understand what you do, why you do it and why they should work with you, you need to learn how you can stand out from everyone else offering the same or similar services. This is totally about how you build relationships and your ability to connect, influence and relate to them on a personal level.
That’s where your messaging comes in and whether you relay your message verbally, visually or in a written context it’s important because:
It represents you, your knowledge, skills and experience in the most authentic way.
It allows you to set yourself apart from your competition.
It helps you to structure what you do and how you do it in a consistent and clear way.
It helps you to build relationships with the people best aligned to your business and services.
It allows you to take ownership and confidence in the way you work with your clients.
It helps you to get paid for what you do.
Without a clear and consistent message, your audience and clients will struggle to relate to you and your business and more importantly, they won’t buy from you.
When your messaging is developed correctly, they will distinctly understand why you are the right person for them and how you can help them achieve their goals and they will be happy to pay you to help them.
Your Core message
Let’s start by thinking about your core message. This is the foundation or initial pitch to your audience or any potential clients and it can be used in a variety of forms – such as on your website home and about page, the about or profile sections of your social media profiles, at networking events and speaking engagements etc.
Your core message should include:
Who you are
What you do
Who you serve
How you serve them
What makes you different
Essentially, your core message is your personal brand mission statement. It’s why you exist to do what you do.
Creating Your Message Structure
So, in order for you to have the transformation in your business that will enable you to attract your ideal clients and sell them your services, you can use this 5 step-messaging structure to help you manage your client creation process:
Your Topic or Expertise
Your Statement / Pitch
Your Programme, Services or System
Your Story
Your Strategy Session / Meeting
This will help you to design your message in a way that attracts clients immediately, deliver a powerful and authentic topic based on your individual knowledge, skills and experience, enabling you to get clients to sign up to your products, programmes and services and ultimately, get paid for what you do.
I drill down on each of these areas in my online course 'Personal Branding for Success' which also includes lessons on creating your personal brand blueprint, developing your story, investing in yourself and increasing your visibility.
If you want to attract the right people who will align with you and the services you offer, your message is crucial to ensuring that your brand has the clarity and authenticity it needs to be successful.
Need more help? Book a FREE brand strategy call with me. No hard sell or obligation, just 45 minutes of 121 support and advice for you and your brand.