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Checklist for Developing a Confident and Visible Personal Brand

Getting a personal brand coach is one of the most powerful ways of developing your skills, talents, knowledge and expertise into a confident, influential and visible profile that will allow you to connect and build lasting relationships with your target audience.

If this is something you have been struggling to do as an entrepreneur or as a professional, you’re obviously here

because you’ve recognised that you need support to get you on the right track and that's my goal with the coaching solutions I provide.

Personal branding has become much more of a phenomenon since the inception of social media, but very successful individuals have been using the power of their personal influence and authority to become a force for change for centuries.

Understanding who you are and developing what you're passionate about into your purpose for living a fulfilling

life, is the first step of your personal brand journey.

So, if you are 100% ready to make a commitment to developing yourself, making a positive change and being an influence for what you're really passionate about, now's the time to focus on shaping your personal brand into an authentic and credible reputation that will bring you the success you're looking for.

Here's a personal brand checklist of how I help my clients create a successful brand:

Your Personal Brand Story:

The first and most crucial thing need to do before you do anything else is to focus on YOU first. If you don't fully

appreciate and understand how to value and share your story and experiences with your ideal target audience, you will find it much harder to make those emotional connections with them, and doing that is KEY to your success.

Your Niche:

Think about the most visible personal brands. The majority of them focus on a specific area, they rarely try to be all things to all men - it just doesn't work, specially when so many people are doing and saying the same things. Focusing on a specific niche, enables you to create your own unique message and an association between your name and a specific topic.

Your Unique Message:

It can take time to establish your message, because it's an organic process that unfolds and adapts over time. Once you've uncovered your personal brand story and found a niche audience or topic to connect with, you'll know what you want to speak about and the messaging elements that you can use to connect authentically and emotionally with your audience.

Your Profile Overview:

Your personal brand profile overview is like a snapshot story of who you are and what you do. This can be used when you are featuring in the media, on your social channels and for the 'about' section of your website if you have one. This is the introduction to who you are that most people will read before they decide whether or not to work with you, so it has to be a powerful statement.

Your Personal Brand Photography:

You're personal brand is all about you! It's your IP, your reputation, your credibility and your responsibility to maintain it. Creating an influential personal brand means showing up and being visible. Being visible means sharing images of yourself in a range of different situations that will help your audience get to know, like and trust you.

Your Brand Strategy:

Like with most things you want to achieve in life, you need to have a plan otherwise you'll end up with a confused and inconsistent brand that your ideal target audience won't buy into. So, once you have your message in place you need to work out how you're going to get it out there and increase your visibility.

Your Content Strategy:

Like with most things you want to achieve in life, you need to have a plan otherwise you'll end up with a confused and inconsistent brand that your ideal target audience won't buy into. So, once you have your message in place you need to work out how you're going to get it out there and increase your visibility. That's where your content strategy comes into play.

Your Social Handles:

A small but crucial aspect of social media many personal brands overlook is choosing their social media handles. Ideally, they should be exactly the same across every network that you are using, so that there’s consistency in how your personal brand is represented.

Your Social Platforms:

When it comes to social platforms, you’ll want to be active on at least a couple of networks to bring attention to your brand and to network with others in your niche. However, you don’t want to be active on so many networks that you end up spreading yourself too thin.

Getting the Support You Need

Developing a successful personal brand is an ongoing process. There is no quick fix and it will take time.

Depending on how dedicated and consistent you are, it could take many moths, maybe years, depending on the level of success you’re trying to reach.

In addition, you need to have strong self-confidence and value, know exactly what you have to offer, be willing to share your voice regardless of whether people agree with you or not and be able to stand out as the unique and amazing individual that you are.

Learn more about my personal brand coaching services and feel free to schedule a complimentary call with me so that we can discuss your challenges and how I can support you with your goals.

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